El Sepulturero (2022)

2022. Shortfilm.

A curious boy enters the cemetery of his town to accompany the gravedigger during a night of work.

Agency: Friends in Motion
Directión & Exec. Prod. Juanca Arniz
Original script: Abraham S. Muñoz-Cruzado
Production: Antonio Rosa Lobo

Narrator: Irene Arévalo
Kid: Elena Arniz Cordones
Carlos R. Cadierno
Poster: Manuel Espinosa
Voice Recording Studio: DINH MEDIA S.L.

Based on a Children’s Story by Abraham S. Muñoz-Cruzado During the 2020 Lockdown, Juanca Arniz Explores the Transition from Illustration to 3D Animation

In 2020, during the global lockdown, Abraham S. Muñoz-Cruzado wrote a children’s story that inspired Juanca Arniz to illustrate and self-publish it. With a passion for animation and storytelling, Juanca decided it was the perfect time to bring the story to life through 3D animation using Blender.

This 3D animated short film, created entirely with Blender, showcases Juanca’s journey of learning this powerful tool from scratch. The goal was simple: to create a compelling and visually stunning short film that would resonate with audiences around the world.

With 68 film festival selections and 8 awards, this short film has captured the attention of audiences across the globe, screening in countries including South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, the United States, Venezuela, India, Pakistan, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Spain.

In the video below, Juanca shares the behind-the-scenes process of how he transformed a simple story into a 3D animated short film, exploring the creative and technical challenges along the way.

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