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El Ultimo McGuffin T5

Ver Vídeo El Último McGuffin. T5 We’ve reimagined its visual identity with a vibrant and modern color palette: pink and orange. These hues not only symbolize energy and creativity but also set the tone for an exciting new chapter in the show’s journey. Créditos:...


TUIO 2023. Advertisement. Crafting Chaos with a Raccoon Crew. Client. TUIOArt direction: David BerluiAnimation & VO: Juanca Arniz Creating a funny animated commercial was a wonderfull experience. For TUIO, we started with a simple brief: A racoon runs away his...

La Caja (2023)

La Caja 2023. Shortfilm. SINOPSISAn auction is taking place and it seems that the item has a very high cost. Direction & Exec Prod. Juanca ArnizOriginal script: Abraham S. Muñoz-CruzadoProduction: Antonio Rosa LoboSpanish VO: Andreu López Abraham S. wrote the...
El Sepulturero

El Sepulturero

El Sepulturero (2022) 2022. Shortfilm. SINOPSISA curious boy enters the cemetery of his town to accompany the gravedigger during a night of work. Agency: Friends in MotionDirectión & Exec. Prod. Juanca ArnizOriginal script: Abraham S. Muñoz-CruzadoProduction:...


Arqueogastronomía Diseño de etiquetas de vino para sus dos nuevas modalidades de vino de crianza biológica y edición limitada, Lixivo y Entasis. Se ha llevado a cabo todo el proceso de dirección de arte, tanto de diseño como las ilustraciones que lo acompañan. La idea...